In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, Alternative to Policing posts circulated on social media with a link to this google drive folder of free poster templates. When our organizers saw this, their immediate reaction was “THESE NEED TO BE EVERYWHERE.” Inspired by these fliers that came out of Minnesota in 2018, we wanted to bring these conversations to Chicago.
The movement to defund mass incarceration and policing requires that we invest in alternative models for creating safe and secure communities. IMAGINE aims to raise awareness and stimulate conversations around what these alternatives could be. Leveraging the combined power of guerrilla marketing + community engagement with Chicago as our canvas, we facilitate catalyzing moments, creating tangible visions of what community safety and security should look like for black life, and ultimately for all. We collect stories to further conversation toward action and connectivity between existing organizations and efforts. Read stories we’ve collected so far and remember to share yours!
West Town & Evanston
Chicago's community safety is threatened. I Imagine community safety looks like: knowing my neighbors and their families, feeling safe walking to my local corner store to pick up last minute eggs, not seeing police in the neighborhood, and no police in schools.
Lincoln Park
Growing up in the south, I was surrounded by implicit white privilege everywhere. I knew people who were openly racist or had racist family members. Although I constantly told myself that I had no racism within my own beliefs, I still struggled to gather courage to confront others who were. Up until now, I failed to press my own beliefs on people in order to avoid confrontational situations. Imagine a civil rights change within the BLM movement, where we no longer rely on African American communities to DEMAND their own justice, and establish that while white privilege exists we must take it upon OURSELVES to dismantle systematic racism in every facet of this country. Isn't that restorative justice?
I imagine implementing programs like vocational programs, mental health and drug programs to help reduce crime.
Someone has a mental health challenge. Imagine... there is a separate phone number from 911 that you can call that sends a social worker trained in healing and trauma-informed practices. The social worker will connect the person with the appropriate resources.
Chicago Heights
I imagine police receiving training on mental health, equality to reduce the gap in racism, anger management, and being retrained on how to respond to calls. Stop pulling out guns on unarmed people.
I envision expanding mental health services and medical services for the community. There are so many times police are called unnecessarily for issues that are health problems and require health solutions.
South Shore
You're leaving a local business and there is some youth selling squares. Imagine... Instead of calling police, why not employ these youth? Find what they need in life: housing, food, gainful employment.
Highland Park
A group of kids are lighting fireworks on the 4th. Imagine.. instead of approaching the kids aggressively and writing them a ticket, show them how to safely use fireworks. People are going to light fireworks if it's illegal no matter what, so you might as well make sure they are safe.